Mentoring Makes My Day
My life journey has been a tapestry of unique experiences that have shaped me into the person I am today. From navigating the challenges of being a first-generation college student to grappling with my family’s history as Holocaust survivors, from understanding the complexities of having a parent incarcerated to achieving academic excellence with a 4.0 in post-graduate school, my path has been filled with twists and turns that have sculpted my character and strengthened my resolve.
These diverse and often challenging experiences have instilled in me a profound resilience, tenacity, and courage that I carry with me in every facet of my life and work. I am deeply grateful for the guidance and support of dynamic mentors who have helped me harness these experiences to foster personal and professional growth.
As a professor, higher-education assessment leader, and passionate advocate for transformative education, I am dedicated to both teaching and learning from others in the realm of online instruction, assessment, and institutional effectiveness. I believe in the power of mentorship and strive to pay forward the invaluable guidance I have received by mentoring others along their own journeys.
I see myself as a bridge-builder, facilitating discussions, encouraging critical thinking, and implementing strategies to streamline information management and enhance assessment processes in higher education. Over the years, I have offered customizable hybrid workshops, interactive in-person sessions, and comprehensive group training, aiming to empower individuals and institutions to improve their practices and achieve their goals.

If you are an ed-venturer, love teaching and learning, struggle to engage others in assessment or simply find Nikki’s story or experiences to resonate with you, she would love to hear from you! Consider becoming a mentor, learn abut the stories of others. Be part of the conversation and the movement to continuously strive for improvement by contacting her here.
Invite Nikki to speak at your organization, college, K-12 school, business, or leadership event. Nikki’s keynote style is interactive, reflective, energetic, humorous, and memorable. Choose from one of the topics Nikki is passionate about or custom create your own.
A mentor and teacher by training, Nikki’s workshops capitalize on the best in learning engagement. Workshops are tailored to meet the needs of your audience: leaders, college faculty, higher education professionals, business owners, and more.
Choose from one of the topics below or custom-create your own:
- AI and Higher Education
- Assessment Leadership
- Online Teaching Strategies to Promote Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- Meeting Students Where They Are: Teaching Online for Positive Change
- Institutional Effectiveness
- Championing Change: Assessment and Accreditation to Fit Your Needs
- Non-Academic Assessment
Customized Training
After realizing the need existed, Nikki teamed up with fellow assessment leaders and the amazing SUNY CPD to develop customized training and workshops to help institutions maximize assessment and accreditation efforts.
To make planning even simpler, visit
Check out the SUNY Center for Professional Development here:

AI and Assessment
Artificial Intelligence and Assessment. SUNY Online. 2024
AI and Assessment: Beyond the Basics. SUNY Online. October 10, 2024
DEI Collaborative Project for a webinar on Navigating Inclusive Assessment in the Age of AI: Enhancing Equity and Diversity in Online Learning. 2024.
Assessment in Higher Education
Childrose, N.C. “The Building Blocks of Meaningful and Sustainable Assessment”. Assessment, Communications and Technology Conference. University at Albany, Albany, New York, January 8, 2018.
Childrose, N.C. “Organizational Effectiveness for Research Administration.” Breakthrough to Excellence 2017 Research Foundation Symposium. The Desmond Hotel and Conference Center, Albany New York. April 5-6, 2017.
Childrose, N.C. “Principles of Change: Effective Implementation of Assessment Programs for Student Success.” SUNY Albany Assessment Symposium. University at Albany, Albany, New York, 2015. (Panelist)
Childrose, N.C. “Linking Academic and Non-Academic Assessment.” ANNY Regional Conference at Mercy College in Dobbs Ferry New York, 2015 (Panelist)
Childrose, N.C. “Development of the Non-Academic Assessment Resource Guide.” SUNY Council on Assessment, University of Buffalo, Buffalo New York, 2015.
Childrose, N.C. “Assessment in 3-D!” Assessment Network of New York, University of Buffalo, Buffalo, New York, 2016.
Childrose, N.C., “Connecting the Dots: Your Roadmap to Meaningful, Sustainable Goal Alignment, Strategic Planning and Assessment.” SUNY Center for Professional Development, State University of New York, University at Albany, 2016. (Feature Speaker)
History, Political Science, Philosophy, Gender and Cultural Studies
Bauer, G. and Childrose, N. “Compassionate Community College Campaign: Farm Sanctuary”. Columbia-Greene Community College. Hudson, New York, 2013. (Feature Speakers)
Childrose, N.C. “The Gotsch Papers: Exploring our Roots. The Gemini Series Concert Lecture.” Columbia-Greene Community College. Hudson, New York, 2016. (Feature Speaker)
Childrose, N.C. “The Facts of Life: Gender and Domesticity in 19th Century New England.” Hudson Area Public Library, Presented by the Women’s Fortnightly Club. Hudson, New York, 2016. (Feature Speaker)
Childrose, N.C. “Suffragettes: 100 Years, 10 Stories, from Hudson: We’re Counting.” Hudson Area Public Library, Presented by the History Room. Hudson, New York, 2017. (Feature Speaker)
Childrose, N.C. “How the World Was Won: Imperialism and Global Development from the 1800’s to Now.” The Gemini Series Concert Lecture. Columbia-Greene Community College. Hudson, New York, 2017.
Effective Teaching Practices
Childrose, N.C. and Roberts, S. Successful Teaching Tips for the “Most Important Day”. Institute for Community College Development Mid-Hudson. Sullivan County Community College. Loch Sheldrake, New York, 2012. (Conference Presentation)
Online, Remote, Hyflex Instruction
Childrose, N.C. and Hills, S. Overcoming Hurdles to Virtual Learning. Innovations 2021. League for Innovation in the Community College. 2021 (Webinar)
Childrose, N.C. and Hills, S. Overcoming Hurdles to Virtual Learning With the Student Passport Experience. SUNY Online Education Week 2021. SUNY Online. 2021 (Webinar)
Childrose, N.C. and Jones, K. Best Practices for Online Assessment. SUNY Remote Teaching Clinic. Best Practices for Online Assessment. SUNY Center for Professional Development. March 27, 2020.
Childrose, N.C. and Van Zile-Tamsen, C. Alternative Assessment Strategies for Remote Instruction. SUNY Remote Teaching Clinic. SUNY Center for Professional Development. March 28, 2020.